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EQ6-R PRO First thoughts

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First of all, its heavy you'll certainly won't want to carry it too far. 

The build quality seems pretty good and it's so far no big issues. 

Small issue is the thread into the head from the tripod. It feels quite rough. I'm sure over time it'll clean itself but I will add a touch of lithium grease to help it. 

Although the plug for the head seems good quality, the cable itself feels very cheap and stiff and it seems bizarre that the only way to power it is with a car utility socket. 

Initial power up was ok but for whatever reason, it blew the fuse. (5A 25v glass fuse) I replaced it, but concerned about why it did it in the first place. 

Unlike my Ioptron mount, it doesn't seem to have a home function. 

I did try and connect it to my laptop, and although I had all the software loaded up and running it wasn't having it. 

If anyone has any hints or tips feel free to comment


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Hi there!

If its the same as the synscan version on my handset (for my AZ-EQ 6 GT), there is a park scope function.

This can be found from the main menu, under utilities , keep scrolling til you come to park scope. This sets it to the home position you have set (for me usually straight up when I'm operating in EQ mode).

No idea about the power issue though, sorry.

Edited by Marki
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9 minutes ago, Marki said:

Hi there!

If its the same as the synscan version on my handset (for my AZ-EQ 6 GT), there is a park scope function.

This can be found from the main menu, under utilities , keep scrolling til you come to park scope. This sets it to the home position you have set (for me usually straight up when I'm operating in EQ mode).

No idea about the power issue though, sorry.

I couldn't see it in any of the synscan menus. In the manual it doesn't mention it. Thanks any way 👍

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