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Zwo Asi2600Mc Pro Sensor tilt instructions?


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Just got my Zwo Asi2600Mc Pro and I am very much afraid that there is a sensor tilt because on one side the stars didn't look the same like in the middle or the other side.... 

I will ckeck it a bit more before I start messing around with the tilt screws... but I wanted to know if there are any instructions somewhere that I can see or read because the whole process scares me a lot...... Which screw for what side? 

By the way the camera is attached to a WO Redcat51. 

Anyone had same situation with his Zwo Asi2600Mc Pro? 


Edited by Nikolas74
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I have got tilt with my ASI 2600, but at the moment it appears to be caused more by focuser and connector sag so am playing around with different adapters &c. 

Be interested to hear how you get on with the tilt plate?  The instructions in the ASI manual (adjust one of the sets of screws and see if it gets worse or better) don't seem particularly helpful.

Here's what two of the free analysers have to say about one of my recent subs taken with the SW 190 MN:




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I am using the adapters from Zwo to have it at 55mm...they look pretty solid so I don't think it's my adapters.... The Redacat51 doesn't have a focuser so tilt by weight I don't think so... 

Must check again the focus... cause I am using a bahtinov mask and not an auto focuser.... Its not very easy to focus the Redcat51 by hand specially to make small corrections... 

I don't have unfortunately software to check the flatness of the field.. 

But the idea of push and pull these small screws in very small adjustments gives me nightmares.... 

Is there a guide somewhere? 

Edited by Nikolas74
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Hello Martin, finally I bought an auto focuser by ZWO and fitted with a deepskydad adaptor and certainly if not solved, improved things a lot. 

So mostly I believe it was a focusing problem because I didn't notice something extreme at the end. 

Focusing by hand the Redcat51 is very difficult . 

But I am sure i still have a problem in the corners of the field but not something noticeable. 

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