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Hi everyone

Still trying not to like the uhc.

It makes even cheap refractors produce half decent stars but thinking about taking a few non filtered frames and somehow adding them to the colourless filtered versions. But I bet I never get around to it. Liking the nebula. Hating the stars. You can't win...😟

This one seems to have responded a little better; there is a bit of yellow in the mush of orange.

Thanks for looking. Any feedback on filters very welcome.  

700d on 72ed @ ISO800


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You're using a one-shot color camera, right? You could always shoot unfiltered and debayer into separate R, G, and B channels, then do star reduction independently on them. Or figure out which way to move the focuser and by about how much for each of the three channels, shoot three sets, and keep only the optimized channel from each. Or put yourself together a poor man's RGB setup with red, green, and blue filters, focus independently for each, and do the same with that. That's essentially what I do for stars with a mono cam, my only advantage is the lack of a Bayer filter slowing things down.

Even better if you're using starnet++ or something to do your stretching on a starless image so you don't try to overlay color on bloated stars.

The great thing about doing separate exposures for stars is that they're so nice and bright, with a high SNR. So it doesn't take very much extra time to get good data, and obv. very little stretching is needed.

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14 hours ago, rickwayne said:

separate exposures for stars

Thanks. Some good ideas.

Yeah, I think a few unfiltered frames without filter direct to the sensor to get the star colour shouldn't present too much of a layering nightmare and as you recall, stars are bright so maybe even a few 30s frames may suffice.

Cheers and clear skies.

Edited by alacant
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