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Realistically, what maximum useable exposure time could I get from a B6 location with guiding and a CLS filter?


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Hi all,

I have just bought my first guide scope and camera as well as a CLS filter to use with my Star Adventurer 2i and canon DSLR+70-300mm f5.6 (I also have a 50mm f1.8)

I know the guiding will vastly increase my potential sub time and the filter will help a bit, but I'm wondering whether a, say, 3 minute exposure from here would even be of any use.


I'd love to hear from anyone in the same scenario that has some experience with this issue.

Please bear in mind that I'm only concerned with the brightness of my subs, not with field rotation or any other issue.




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Honestly, these things are best dealt with by experiment, which is very quick in the case of short exposures. See what works for you. I have read endless discussions about how long I should expose for with my kit and the majority of theorists come up with something like 10 to 15 minutes. I've been bombarded, in the past, by assertions that 30 minutes is a waste of time. These assertions are wrong. On certain targets 10 x 30 minutes beats 20 x15 minutes. I've compared both. I believe my own results.


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