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Had first telescope view late this afternoon, previously only viewed in binocs. Drove to Penistone Hill, only about 5 mts drive away.  In haste I drove to the wrong side of the hill,  and had to drive all the back to the other side to get a view 😟.

Set up by 4.05, picked up Jupiter in SW 72ED by 4.20.  Using 17.5 Morpheus first with x2 barlow giving x48, 1.5 degree field. Planets nicely framed.  Delighted to see the two planets in the same field view  - at last!   Two satellites  showing either side of Jupiter (when it was a little darker) and the two equatorial belts visible.  Saturn's rings showing variation looking really nice with Jupiter bottom left in prism diagonal.                         I

I  substituted a x3 barlow giving x72 the planets were both still in the field but much closer to the edge, I preferred the view in the lower power.

Just before I packed up at 4.59, according to SkySafari,  the separation was 47'23.5"20201214_165739.thumb.jpg.186a899811022c97761f36f790178114.jpg 

I  have my fingers i crossed I will get some more views as the two planets get closer,  weather permitting.






Edited by paulastro
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Well done! I have only managed binoculars so far. My only scope that I can easily move for a view towards southwest is a Skymax 127 and that one has max field of view just over 1 degree. Ideally I need 1/2 of less degree of separation between the planets for a comfortable view with their moons. Let's hope the weather forecast holds for the rest of the week  (some clear spells predicted)!

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16 minutes ago, Nik271 said:

Well done! I have only managed binoculars so far. My only scope that I can easily move for a view towards southwest is a Skymax 127 and that one has max field of view just over 1 degree. Ideally I need 1/2 of less degree of separation between the planets for a comfortable view with their moons. Let's hope the weather forecast holds for the rest of the week  (some clear spells predicted)!

Thanks Nik. I'd try the Mak if I were you, with the separation already down to 47' this evening.  You never know with the weather when you will get another chance, especially up here!


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