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Mars - 30th November 2020


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Hello, this is probably my last sketch of Mars this time around as it's getting small and the features are really hard to see in a 4" Refractor.

This was a surprise observation as it has been cloudy and raining all day, but suddenly the sky cleared so out I went - but seeing was average to poor.

The phase is now very obvious.

The South Polar Cap could just be seen - both small and dim.

I could not see the polar hood.

The dark markings around the equator had no real detail.

There was a light area to the right of the SPC.

There was a much brighter area - that really stood out - on the preceding limb to the left of the SPC and above that was another slightly less bright area.

I really must learn some names !

Takahashi FC100DZ, x240, Binoviewers, 20:30UT, seeing AIII at best, CM=47'





Edited by dweller25
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A subtle but lovely drawing David.

Even at or around opposition I think Mars is a challenging world to observe and your drawing captures what often has been the level of contrast that we have been trying to tease out visually.

Nice work :smiley:

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On 04/12/2020 at 13:02, johnturley said:

I could make out the Mare Erythraeum and the South Polar Cap reasonably easily on 30 November, indicating that any dust storm activity is subsiding, but nothing like as clear as at around the time of opposition.


Which scope did you use @johnturley ?

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Both my 14 in Newtonian and my Esprit 150, the Esprit 150 is mounted piggyback on the fork mounted Newtonian.

Attached is a processed image showing the same area of the planet on 22.10.20. which is similar to what could be observed visually at the time, the Mare Mare Erythraeum and the South Polar Cap were nothing like as clear on 30 November, my last view of the planet, weather has been awful since then. 


Mars 22 10 20  Processed-3.jpg

Edited by johnturley
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