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need help setting up

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Hello All:


I am retired and would like to look up at the stars.  I'm not sure what to buy, $1500 to $2000 should get me something that will allow me to see the moon very good, and Saturn with the rings.  Thinking about a computer guided one, maybe NexStar 8SE Computerized Telescope? or maybe a NexStar Evolution 8 Telescope. Would that setup be able to see the picture below?


Any suggest, Thanks for the help.






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Beware the glossy astro photograph, as these rarely represent what you can see from your backyard with an affordable telescope.  Also be aware that a processed planetary image taken with e.g. an 8" telescope will often show a lot more detail than an inexperienced observer will see visually with the same telescope.

The Moon looks great through any telescope. Saturn may not look quite like that through an 8"SCT, but I have imaged it and been able to record the major division in the rings and bands of colour on the planet.

Either the C8 SE or the C8 Evolution would be a sensible buy - with the Evolution the extra money buys you a better quality mount with various extras you can look up on the sales pages.

Also budget for a +12v power source, a dew shield and some higher powered eyepieces.

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