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autoguiding help


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I must admit to being a complete novice in this "art" so some advice would be extremely welcome.

My kit consists of SW 120ED pro, C80ED, Vixen Sphinx with starbook, unmodded Canon 1000D, camera adaptor and electronic shutter timer due soon.

I know I need some more hardware, a laptop/netbook, dual mounting bar and guide camera.

Could you please recommend a reasonably priced Guider (QHY5??) and how does it all connect up? I mean is it GuideCam to Lappy to Starbook or.....?? ...Oh and what software would you recommend?

What have I missed out??

Lots of questions I'm afraid and thanks yet again for your time


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A QHY5 would be an excellent choice of guide cam. It connects to a laptop by USB. I am pretty sure the sphinx will need a serial guide cable from the laptop. More than likely the lappy wont have a serial port in which case you will need a serial to usb converter. Not all converters work well but if you buy from here you wont have a problem.


The supplied drivers dont appear to work with vista and the manufacturer doesn't do a driver for vista. However I eventually found a driver that did the job.

Software wise everyone on here uses PHD which is free. There is an alternative called Guidedog. I use a complete capture, telescope control, guiding, aligning, combining and processing package called Maxim which has brilliant tools for guiding but is now very expensive. Astro Art does a similar job for less money. PHD is powerful software but has a "get you started" type of setting which makes it incredibly easy to use.

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