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Uranus Opposes Sun - 2020 OCT 31


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Uranus will appear in opposition to the Sun during 2020 OCT 31. At magnitude +5.7 it may be visible to sharp naked eyes under dark skies, although the Full Moon at the time of opposition would be a hindrance.

It has always amazed me that Uranus was not discovered until William Herschel pointed a telescope at it in 1781. I would imagine that countless people observed it by naked eye before then, but assumed it was a fixed star and never noticed that over a period of time it changed position relative to the actual fixed stars. I first observed it by naked eye nearly fifty years ago, but of course I knew that it existed and exactly where to look.

Photos and descriptions of Uranus would be welcome additions to this thread. 


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Thanks for the "heads up". A few years ago I visited the house in Bath, UK that Herschel was living in when he discovered Uranus. The house is now an excellent museum and well recommended for anyone visiting the lovely city of Bath :smiley:


I observed Uranus just last night as it happens. It showed a nice disk at 265x with my 12 inch dobsonian. I have glimpsed a couple of it's moons with that scope:


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