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SynScan handset works fine but doesn't 'goto' any targets

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I have borrowed a Skywatcher SynScan v3 handset to try it out with my SynTrek NEQ6 Pro mount.  After buying the cable I plugged it in and it comes on fine as usual, warning about the sun, enter the location etc, 1 star alignment (just for test purposes), "Alignment Successful".  I then get to the normal menus where I can choose a target, I choose something, e.g. the moon, Enter, it shows the location, Enter, it asks if I want to goto target?, Enter, then it displays what look like more coordinates (are these the current mount 'pointing at' coordinates?) but it doesn't slew, it stops tracking (I can tell by the sound the mount makes when it's tracking normally), nothing.  At this point I would expect the mount to be slewing but it isn't and I can't figure out why.  The handset drives the mount perfectly well during alignment.  Any ideas?

It looks like the handset crashes as I can't Esc back out of it, none of the buttons do anything and it doesn't dim the display or buttons after a while as I expect it normally would.  I'm hesitant to upgrade the firmware as it doesn't belong to me, are they easy things to brick during firmware updating?  I should have the correct RS232 cable for computer connection.

Edited by jonathan
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So if I have it right, the mount drives fine to align the scope and its only when you choose what to view it doesn't appear to be moving? and the handset is locked up at this point?

Stoopid question number 1: Is the thing you want to look at far from your final alignment point? and number 2: have you checked the rate at which the mount is moving? it could be moving so slow that its not noticeable. That one I found out when I thought mine was not working correctly 🤦‍♂️ When the handset locks how do you get it to work again?



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I had my StarSense "locking" when I first got it, but it's been fine since. I think it was down to user error - me.  Some sequences require two keys (like changing motor speed). If I accidentally press one key but not notice, it patiently waits for the second expected key whilst locking out anything else. It looks like the software is hanging.

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Hmm, interesting opinions.

I've only been playing with it indoors with no scope attached, didn't really take note of where the items were compared to the final alignment point although when it was working once with the HEQ5 and I asked it to goto the same target twice, it noticeably slewed just a tiny amount and the handset returned to normal.  When it's locked up I've left the handset alone for maybe ten minutes, no change, so after that I've just switched the mount off and on and the handset resets to the boot sequence.

I played with it a bit more today on the HEQ5 Pro mount and found that it would sometimes goto a chosen target normally (fast slewing, then slow to zero in on the target, mount data updating as it does so on the display), but it would also sometimes freeze or lock up as before.  I couldn't get it to goto any targets when it was connected to the NEQ6 Pro mount, it always freezes when given the final goto command (it displays the coordinates but gets no further).  I am choosing targets that should obviously be above the horizon at the time I entered during setup, just as a test I also tried some that would not be and it told me they were below the horizon, but did not lock up.

The mount makes recogniseable noises, I can tell when it's tracking, when it's slewing (fast or slow, I know the sounds it makes), and when it's idle; when the handset has apparently locked up, watching the mount confirms it's really not moving even after several minutes, it just makes a steady low whine noise which doesn't match any normal state that I recognise.

I've tried it connected to two different 12v batteries, the handset reported a voltages of 12.4 or 12.6, both batteries were freshly charged.  If the handset doesn't work from these batteries then it's of no use to me, it needs to be able to work away from a mains supply (I have heard of someone using 13v but I don't have that facility).

Edited by jonathan
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Just a quick update to this thread...

I updated the firmware in the handset from 3.20 to 3.39, this fixed the problems it was having (with my NEQ6 at least), it seems to be working much better now.  It might have been a corrupt firmware due to maybe running the mount with very low power (which can cause damage, as described in the SynScan manual).  I enforced a database update at the same time, that went from 3.20 to 3.28.

So the handset looks to be fixed, now onto the HEQ5 mount which I believe has a motor controller board firmware fault.  Nice!

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