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Pretty Deep Maps – essential EEVA Equipment


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Thanks to @Martin Meredith, we have, as it says on his footer:

Pretty Deep Maps permanently available here: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3522809

They are quite big to download, but certainly pretty deep.

However, I have a problem (Mac OS Catalina) after having downloaded and unzipped all but the circumpolar_south.zip file, I've followed these instructions:


All files should be placed into a single directory when unzipped.

which I take to mean moving them from their individual unzipped spring/summer/... folders, etc., and lumping them all into one.

But opening a file and clicking on a hyperlink (one of the constellation labels in the top left) I get an error:

'The file “PEG4593.pdf” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it.'

...so I'm a bit stuck.  I wrote all the file successfully, so I'm confused by the fact that it might be a permissions issue.

Any help welcomed – I really want to use this vital resource.



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Hi Tony

I hope others who use the maps will chime in with what works for them.

Yes, they all need to go into one directory (no subdirectories). This is the easiest way for me to be sure that every pdf can see every other pdf as there are 100s of hyperlinks on each chart, and all of them different). 

I use a 2020 Mac OS Catalina with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Over the years I've tried non-Adobe PDF readers but none seem to work well (either they don't allow cross-document hyperlinks or they are too slow; when set up, Acrobat is very fast and perfect I would say for these maps ~1s max page load per chart).

The screenshots show the settings that seem most relevant. These result in only the current pdf being shown (rather than having a new tab for each) which is what you want.

Let's see if this works!








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Oh yes, that works a lot better.

I've always eschewed Adobe Acrobat after a poor early experience, but this seems to do the trick in this case.  Otherwise, I'm happy with the built-in Preview viewer.

Off to label a few more of those little galaxies...



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Good! Did you need to change any of the default settings? It might be useful for others. 

I've always used Preview but the latest Acrobat Reader seems to have pruned back its menus preventing them from taking over the entire viewing area. Minimalism is something that has taken the big software developers a long time to appreciate...


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8 minutes ago, Martin Meredith said:

Did you need to change any of the default settings? It might be useful for others. 

No, I changed nothing.


10 minutes ago, Martin Meredith said:

Minimalism is something that has taken the big software developers a long time to appreciate...

...so true.


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The problem with Preview seems to be something to do with the MacOS quarantine system. All the files downloaded have an extended attribute marking them as quarantined. 

You can remove the quarantine attribute - but I found that even if you do that it comes back as soon as you select a link in the PDF.

I tried a few things (like making the files read-only, owned by root, even re-writing the files using Ghostscript) but none of these seemed to help.

Possibly you have to downgrade much of the MacOS security subsystem to get this to work with Preview - so it seems easier just to use Acrobat.



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Thanks for detailing your experiences Callum. 

Looking at the properties in Preview under Security it tells me I have full permissions for this PDF. But then I have the same issue as you when I try to open a cross-document hyperlink, so it even ignores the real owner of the files!

All the charts were assembled in Latex with hyperlinks added via the hyperref package. This was back in 2015. Things might have moved on a bit in the PDF generation arena since then. 



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