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Just ordered First Telescope

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Hey Guys, 

Ive been wanting to get into Astronomy for awhile and have just ordered a telescope, I feel like I have rushed into it a bit and haven't fully researched what scopes are available and what the best bang for buck is, I'm looking for a Telescope that can be used as an all rounder, I'm particularly interested in Planets, Nebulas and Galaxy's. 

Ive ordered the Sky-Watcher SkyMax-127 AZ GTi from FLO for £449, is this going to be adequate for what I want to view or is there better scopes in the same price range? I do like the idea of the GOTO Mount as it seems the best option for a beginner, I'm just concerned of the weight limitations if I get new scopes in the future. 

I also have a Sony a6000, is this set up good enough for some Astrophotography? 


Cheers Chris

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You have ordered a useful telescope. Now try using it for a few weeks and see what YOU think.  Many of us buy a starter telescope and then move on (maybe several times) as our interests and experience develop.

This is not an ideal outfit for astrophotography, but try it for yourself and you will see.

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Did FLO give you an estimate on the lead-time for this? With the SkyWatcher stock situation it might be touch and go whether this arrives before December...

I think that's a good starter scope to take tours of the sky, being able to view quite a few different types of objects. You will no doubt go down a rabbit hole with more equipment in the future, but that telescope will probably continue to see good use, as it is easy to move around and set up, whereas if you go down the path of bigger mounts and perhaps bigger OTAs - which help when moving to astrophotography you will find that equipment takes longer to set up, and is harder to transport to different dark-sky sites.

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You could do a lot worst for a first telescope purchase, and not much better ( just better oriented to specific targets or observing conditions).

You've got yourself a very decent all-rounder for visual (mostly planetary and smaller & brighter dso's), eeva, and wide field astrophotography  with a camera lens or a small ED telescope later on.


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