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Angelfish Nebula - Ha


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With Orion starting to reappear in the night sky it's time to have yet another go at imaging the Angelfish Nebula.

I've tried this target on several occasions last year and everytime was thwarted by poor seeing, and unfavourable moon or clouds curtailing imaging.

This is 31 x 180 seconds (93 minutes) of Ha, unguided. It is a huge target and barely fits into the fov of my Samyang 135mm with ASI1600.

I really struggle to pull anything out of the data.


I've included my calibrated master if anyone else would like to have a go.

If the Ha is this feint I dread to thing what OIII I might get - if any; it will definitely need a clear and moonless night!

As always all C&C are welcome and appreciated.

Thanks for looking.




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Have a look on Astrobin to see how long  folks have exposed at various wavelengths with similar kit .....( passing swiftly pass those who live in the Atacama or ClearSkies, Arizona).

This object is designated Sh2-264

Sometimes their data suggests that maybe O3 or S2 just is not worth the effort with our patchy skies.   I have noticed a trend recently for the serious dudes to post pictures that have 30+ hours  integrations !!!  You just have to be a little bit circumspect and know which battles to fight.    Plenty more  (angel)  fish in the sea.

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