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Clear skies, Swirling Mist, Planetaries


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Arriving at a new location on the edge of the Wark forest in Northumberland, Jupiter and three of its moons settled down nicely at low power whilst aligning the Telrad and finder. At this time of year there are an abundance of Planetary Nebula and I was able to at least 'scratch the surface' and visit a few. Attaching a UHC and centred within Cygnus, NGC 6884 was detected as a small 'blinking' point that emerged into a small hazy round glow at high power. NGC 6826 the Blinking Planetary nebula is a nice target at medium power. So to is NGC 7027 Magic Carpet nebula. A little harder to detect (described successfully in other members reports) was NGC 734 in Cepheus, being so small, but I think I picked this up, yet was unable to increase power, as this was later in the session and problems with dew were increasing. M57 and a very bright fulsome M27 were each in turn dependably stimulating. The UHC was used to roam through NGC 7000 The North America Nebula, my impression was that it appeared solid and was a delight to cruise along and immerse into its characteristic features. IC 5070 The Pelican, dark nebula LDN 935 that fills between this and the east coast, defined and engaging, to the south of the Pelican aspects of IC 5068 were detected. The Milky Way had become fully established and with transparency at this point being very good, I positioned onto the Sadr region of Cygnus for an exploration of IC 1318 Gamma Cygni Nebula, that consist of the Butterfly Nebula. Switching to an O-III filter and an exploration of the Veil Complex ensued. Engaging for a time, with no breeze, condensation was building and filters, eyepieces in particular were fogging.  Yet Mars was commandingly present at good altitude in the east and provided a fine observation at mid power in my 350mm Dob. Distinct features such as I think Mare Erythraeum clear and stable. The Double Cluster provided a specular view before a combination of condensation and fatigue I quit at around midnight. Sky quality meter readings were just hitting 21.00 mag, this should improve as we get more into late Autumn and Winter.

The journey home was atmospheric, pockets of swirling mist had formed, above the tree tops and across the moors, then wrapped around the lamp posts all the way back to Newcastle. Yet after a long period of absence, it was good to be back out with the old dob.





Edited by scarp15
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Yes it was quite wondrous and revealing using a UHC, I also usually, yielding a good impression, have an O-III filter in place for this and the other Cygnus complex regions. Perhaps it particularly enhanced the Pelican.

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