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Mars 13 Sept 4:30am: a cloud?


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I got up ridiculously early this morning to look at Mars. There was a little high cloud but fortunately the seeing was OK. I decided to make an image and this is my best effort.

Skymax180 with Canon 250d, 4K video, stacked 30% of 5000 frames with AS3!, then wavelets in Registax and finally enlarged and contrast boosted with Gimp.

I'm quite pleased with it, worth getting out of bed so early :). Looking closely there seems to be a white patch right of centre, maybe a cloud? It was not visible at the eyepiece. I don't think it's Olympus Mons, that should be further north.

I'll be interested to know if other images around the same time confirm it and also what it is? Some other mountain? Mist?




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