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Rising Mars 26/8/20


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I was pleased to see a clear sky last night, and the cherry on the cake for me was Mars rising in the east. I was eager to try out my new old Orion Optics 200mm F6 Newtonian, which has spent the last week mounted in the observatory in anticipation. The scope was thermally stable but with Mars still relatively low in the sky the view was bland. I expected a far better view through the 8" than the one that greeted me. I could see the south polar cap but albedo features were very washed out. Perhaps the 8" scope would be better as Mars gained altitude, but I wasn't willing to wait. I removed the 8" from the equatorial and replaced it with the Tak FC100DZ. Instantly the planet snapped into sharp focus with albedo markings immediately recognisable. I made a couple of sketched using the 100mm refractor which I've attached below. Not sure what to make of the 8" F6! Maybe ill keep hold of it a little while longer and give it another chance. It gave a nice view of M13, but Mars wasn't so good.



Edited by mikeDnight
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Nice report and great your refractor pulled Mars into focus better than you 8inch newtonian. I have a skywatcher 150p and skymax 127 on eq3-2 mount and generally have the maksutov on mostly as slower f ratio which is better for the planets and the 150p faster f ratio better for dso's. I know what you mean about giving the 8inch newt another go, I think if you got rid of it you'd regret it, like I would if I got rid of my 150p which I wouldn't do as quite happy with my scopes, my maksutov is shorter in length so more manouverable in my bedroom window set up than my 150p, clear skies 

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