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Phone Astrophotography Advice


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Hi guys. I've recently started astrophotography and im a beginner. I'm using my phone for shooting some wideangle pics and also crafted this janky rig to fit over my Meade ETX 70 and my other telescope so i can take pictures with my telescope. The problem im having is with locating the objects I want to shoot. I was aiming for Andromeda galaxy but couldn't locate it since my phone doesn't have a very good exposure simulator, and the telescope doesn't have a viewfinder. If anyone has any advice with creating some DIY finder because i can locate the galaxy with my eyes but cant find it with the telescope. Also any advice with software, deepskystacker is good but the image output is too dark. I used Sequator and the image came better but a lot of noise. Here are the results of the shoot, one from DSS, and two from Sequator one edited and one not. Also here's my first picture of the andromeda galaxy with my phone wide angle. Cheers :)

20200817_013816.dng Raw Picture one of the frames
Autosave002.tif DeepSkyStacker Result
Sequator SCL + RDN + RDE C + RLP U M + ESL M.tif Sequator Results

 Sequator SCL + RDN + RDE C + RLP U M + ESL M-1.tif Sequator Edited In LightRoom

A single exposure i did, my first Astro pic with some constellations and Andromeda galaxy 

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Also, I have no clue what i shot in those pics, i was aiming for the galaxy but couldnt find it so I just stuck with the first bright star i found. Also sorry didn't know TIF pictures wouldnt open in the wed thought they would upload normaly.

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Just a point about stacking in DSS. The image it produces does in many cases look worse than maybe a single image you see on your camera view finder (or viewing a single image on your pc). DSS is just for stacking the images, you then have to use  processing software such as GIMP/Photoshop etc to bring out the detail within the image.

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