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Jupiter - Processing Separate R,G and B Images

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What am I doing wrong.?

I have taken 3 separate videos first using  a Red filter, then Green and finally Blue using my mono ZWO ASI 1600 camera.

Then I processed each in PIPP and stacked a small percentage of the best frames from each set in Autostakkert 3, followed by wavelet sharpening in Registax6.

This created three files a Master Red, Master Green and Master Blue.

Then I have combined them to create a colour RGB image using PS.

But the resulting colour image is all wrong .  My Great Red Spot is just about visible but its certainly not Red?

I have tried various PS tools but can't get anything that looks like the images posted on here or elsewhere in terms of the colours.  

This is the output I ended up with!  ( please don't look at the detail its the colours I am struggling with.)

Any help greatly appreciated.




Edited by wornish
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Hmm maybe it's that the RGB images aren't the same: Each channel image looks different in terms of the shape/distortion of the planet, this would obviously cause misalignment of the channels. What kind of exposures were you taking?  What did you do in pipp and AS3?

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Unfortunately I have deleted the logs. My bad :(

I used Firecapture and the camera saved the video as a .SER file in 8 bit mono.

In PIPP I simply loaded the filename.ser video and then selected centre the object and crop the frame plus and use quality estimates and saved the best 50 frames as tifs.

In AS3 I then loaded the 50 frames saved and stacked the best 10.  

The seeing was awful have to say but the colours are all over the place.

Thanks for helping.

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