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Time issues with Astroberry/Kstars and GPS


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I've pretty much got my Astroberry/KStars system working and by and large, now it is largely set up I think overall it has been a lees painful process than it was installing Ascom and all the drivers and then trying to get everything talking nicely to APT and PHD.  Certainly getting a working profile together was a painless experience - it all just worked and overall I am very impressed with the way everything hangs together.

The one thing I am having an issue with is with getting KStars to work nicely with a GPS dongle.  I have the dongle working and it updates my location and time as it should the first time round in KStars however each refresh it sets the KStars time back to the time the GPS first got a fix.  So, let's say I got a fix at 1210:40 and set the GPS to refresh every 60 seconds.  Each 60 seconds it resets the KStars time back to 1210:40.

Using the CGPS command I can see that the GPS is working with the clock showing the correct time and the system time appears sync'd to GPS so for now I have just set KStars to use the system clock for the time however I would like the whole things to work as it should.

@RadekK - have you had this issue before?  Anyone else have any thoughts?


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Actually there were some changes to the gpsd driver recently. I have just pushed them to astroberry repository, so please update (sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade) and test it. If the issue persists I will take a closer look at the source code.

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11 hours ago, RadekK said:

Actually there were some changes to the gpsd driver recently. I have just pushed them to astroberry repository, so please update (sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade) and test it. If the issue persists I will take a closer look at the source code.

Thanks Radek

Will have a look now and see if it is fixed :) 

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