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How to rectify poor alignment


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At the end of last season I was beginning to despair about alignment issues and with the prospect of a few clear nights thought I would try and rectify the issue but am far from clear about the cause.  I image with Takahashi 106, Atik 460 on NEQ6 which I control using the handset.  I polar align using polemaster and as far as I can tell it's accurate.  I three star align though usually have to search for stars as they are often low and left in my capture software - Artemis.  Any target was usually very low.  

I was thinking about doing a factory reset?  I also wonder if I slew to an alignment star but instead of using the handset to centre it what would happen if I centre it manually using the the altitude and azimuth adjustments?  Might that redress the issue?


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If you move the Alt-Az bolts you will lose polar alignment.

Your best bet would be to use software like KStars/Ekos which has a really good PA routine. Then plate solve using the alignment module.

If your mount has a USB port (same as a printer) then you can connect directly without the handset or if not then either through the handset in PCDirect mode or via an EQDIR cable.

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If you're using Windows and have a separate guide scope I would recommend the Polar Alignment tool in Sharpcap Pro. It's only £10 for the Pro version and is well worth it just for the Polar Alignment tool itself. 🙂 It's easy to use and is quick and accurate. The tool's built in plate solving needs a FOV of around 1 to 2.5 degrees from the guide scope, so may struggle with an OAG.


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I use Lacerta MGEN as a stand alone guider so not sure Sharpcap Pro would be appropriate?  Am not convinced that polar alignment is the cause of the poor alignment as polemaster has always seemed a pretty good tool.  Have always tried to avoid too much computer involvement as I fear if I move  in that direction I shall be moving beyond my level of competence!  However I suppose nothing ventured nothing gained!!




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Oh! I don't expect that the MGEN has an ASCOM driver to acess the camera output direct so I don't think you can use Sharpcap Annie. :frown:

Is it just the star alignment that's always off but the long exposure images look OK without elongated stars? If your polar alignment is off then the long exposure image will slowly rotate around the guide star giving more elongated stars the further they are from the star used as a guide star. The further the polar alignment is out the worse the effect.


Edited by symmetal
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