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Is the 1600pro still worth buying?

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Hi all

Having spent 5 years or so with a DSLR (various Canons) I’ve decided to take the plunge and get a dedicated astro job. Narrowed it down to the ZWOs and had the 533 been in stock I’d probably have bought it already. 

Was thinking along the lines of a 533 with L-eNhance or eXtreme would be just the job and then I read about the 2600 and I start wondering how much human body parts sell for these days!

But then in the back of my head a little voice says “if your spending that much you could try mono” and I see the 1600, filter wheel and full set of filters for a bit less than the 2600.

I use two scopes, a F4 10” newt and a 80mm Apo at F6.8 (sometimes a 66m too) my guiding is good (enough) and I live in bottle 4/5 skies and I’m okay-ish with post processing so my question is.......

Is the 1600 with filters still worth the asking price in 2020 given the tech is a few years old now or would the 2600 (with L-enhance or l-extreme) be a better bet for around £2k?

Light pollution is a bit of an issue if I look south and I’d like to be to carry on with the moon out hence the narrowband filters.

I’ve looked at so many images, watched and read so many reviews about these cameras I’m totally lost now.

Interested in hearing your thoughts...cheers.








Edited by Jester2000
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The mono version of the ASI2600mc pro assuming it is a real mono chip when it comes out is going to be about 40% more expensive without considering the cost of 36mm filters. So I would say that it's in a different market segment and not directly competing with the ASI1600mm pro. 

However a new mono 4/3 sensor is also a possibility and that likely will be competing or a replacement. 

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I joined the 1600 club last Christmas after several years DSLR imaging and have no regrets. Switching to mono was easier than expected and the results more impressive (including dealing with LP in RGB and NB). I would not now switch back for my main imaging rig. The only thing that would cause me to pause would be the announcement of an imminent successor in the same sensor size & price bracket.

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Thanks for your replies, it’s appreciated.

So the 1600 is still a very good camera then and until something better comes along it’s worth going for.

Just for the record I meant the OSC 2600 and using it with something like a L-Extreme. I know it won’t be a sensitive but it’s that old OSC vs mono debate which I don’t want to reignite. 

my quandary continues....... 

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