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Ascom connect and Astrotilla

astro mick

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I am using an Atik ccd camera,and their software Artemis.I connect through the star map CDC which is all fine.To platesolve i have been using Astrotilla,which i quite like.However trying to install on a new computer when i open up the Astrotortilla interface box,i dually connect to Ascom,but when i come to the Ascom camera chooser my camera the Atik 314L+ is not there.I must be missing something,but cant seem to overcome this.

Any ideas please.


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Used to but have "progressed" LOL

From what you have written I would suggest that the Ascom driver  for your version of the camera is either not loaded or the connection is faulty.

You say using Atik s/w works with the camera so one can presume that the cable /camera is ok.

Have you tried using Sharpcap or APT to verify the the correct Atik Ascom driver is loaded as it could be Astrotilla is at fault as it has not been updated for a fiar time and maybe is no longer compatible with the version of Ascom. If you use Sharpcap or APT (free mode) and they work with Ascom driver for your camera then it would look like Astrotortilla is at fault.

If none of the above work with your camera then talk to Atik they may be of some help.

Altermative is to use Sharpcap/APT or others which ,if they work in the above test, will give you Platesolving.  Bear in mind Astrotilla uses the same platesolving  backend as 80% of the platesolving out there - all based on Astrometry.net/Cygwin. ASTAP and Platesolve2 dont but do not have a direct Ascom interface - i.e. you would have to load the the image into the software and then platesolve. 

I forgot ASPS does have an ASCOM interface and as its uses Cygwin you can use the same index's - it would also test the Ascom interface for your driver  - IF LISTED

Hope that helps!

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Their are a few things that i can now check from your write up.I have been toying with the idea of moving over to APT,and i think you have just given me a push i needed.

As i say everything seems fine apart from not seeing the camera in the list.I know Astrotortilla is quite old now,but when it works it is really good.

Thanks for the write up,and the time taken.


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