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Cleaning Diagonals and Eyepieces...

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Not sure about diagonals. I am about to clean my eyepieces and finderscope as they are all over 4 years old now and getting very grubby. I've just bought some Baader wonder fluid from FLO and will use that by putting some on the provided cloth and gently wiping around. I think this is the preferred method as anything sprayed directly onto the eyepiece may just get inside. BUT first I will be getting either a manual air blower, the kind you use for cameras, or a camel hair brush to get the excess dust and crud off.

I've got a moon filter with a greasy thumbprint on it (yes, mine :oops: ) and will be using the same fuid for that.


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Baader optical fluid or iso alcohol for ep's..

As for the diagonal i'd use a very dilute solution of hand soap (pH neutral) Rather than washing up liquid as it contains a high salt level...And a good rinse afterwards with deionised water..

But a Huff and a wipe with a microfiber cloth usually works well for both.. :hello2:



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Thanks to all who replied...

Just fixing thru all my stuff and I found Baader Fluid and Cloth...I must have ordered ages ago and misplaced...

I have been having a clean out and raising some funds...got a WA binoviewer from FLO...sorry just had to mention that...you know what you are like when you get a new piece of kit...

Looking forward to great views thru my clean eyepieces...



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