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The best ZWO camera for my setup

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I'm going to be that guy. Sorry. I'm after some advice on the "best" camera for my setup.

A little background - I have been into astronomy for about 7 years but have become more involved in the last 18 months and trying to push what I can do. I'm looking to upgrade my AP setup, ideally with 1 ZWO camera. The question is, which one?

Current setup is the classic Skywatcher 80ED with a 0.85x FR on a HEQ5 Pro with belt mod. I'm guiding with a 120mc-s on an Evoguide 50. I sometimes use the 120 for planetary but the main imaging camera at the moment is an astro modded 550D (Thanks @Adam j, still enjoying this).

The question is basically an upgrade path from here. I am interested primarily in nebula and galaxies, but do like to do some planetary and lunar work from time to time. I like the convenience of OSC but my brain is telling me mono would be better in the long run, although more of a learning curve. Camera wise, I would like to stick with ZWO and the 183 and 1600 are on my wish list (cooled), in both mono and colour flavours. 

Would one of those be the best compromise or would I need to invest in a smaller, planetary camera too?

Is the mini filter wheel and filter set bundled with the 1600 good enough or is there something better for a similar cost?
I would look to keep the 550d for wider field shots so could go with a smaller pixel size on the dedicated astro cam to make targets appear a bit bigger.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. I realise this is a bit of a stream of consciousness rather than a specific question. I just want some reassurance before I make a big investment.

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24 minutes ago, Messy Hair 101 said:

I'm going to be that guy. Sorry. I'm after some advice on the "best" camera for my setup.

A little background - I have been into astronomy for about 7 years but have become more involved in the last 18 months and trying to push what I can do. I'm looking to upgrade my AP setup, ideally with 1 ZWO camera. The question is, which one?

Current setup is the classic Skywatcher 80ED with a 0.85x FR on a HEQ5 Pro with belt mod. I'm guiding with a 120mc-s on an Evoguide 50. I sometimes use the 120 for planetary but the main imaging camera at the moment is an astro modded 550D (Thanks @Adam j, still enjoying this).

The question is basically an upgrade path from here. I am interested primarily in nebula and galaxies, but do like to do some planetary and lunar work from time to time. I like the convenience of OSC but my brain is telling me mono would be better in the long run, although more of a learning curve. Camera wise, I would like to stick with ZWO and the 183 and 1600 are on my wish list (cooled), in both mono and colour flavours. 

Would one of those be the best compromise or would I need to invest in a smaller, planetary camera too?

Is the mini filter wheel and filter set bundled with the 1600 good enough or is there something better for a similar cost?
I would look to keep the 550d for wider field shots so could go with a smaller pixel size on the dedicated astro cam to make targets appear a bit bigger.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. I realise this is a bit of a stream of consciousness rather than a specific question. I just want some reassurance before I make a big investment.

I just switched from a 600d to a asi294mc pro, couldn't be happier. 

Will i go mono later down the line...yes im sure i will but atm with uk weather an OSC is what gets me the images i require in the limited time weather wise i get. Like most astro "stuff" im guessing the 294mc pro will hold some nice value to change in the future but for now the filters plus filter wheel plus cam and lack of clear skies meant the OSC was a winner for me.

That coupled with the L-pro filter for galaxy and reflection neb and the L-enhance for emission neb really does everything and more i need and have had some great images from it.

Dont think you can go wrong with either you suggested, maybe check https://astronomy.tools/calculators/ccd_suitability for best fit for your scope and FOV. I have a mono asi120mm usb 3 for guiding and debating weather to get filters for that for the 127 mak or a 224, one thing i know is i really like zwo cams and will probably stick with them.


Do you have the time to do 3 sets of images on a certain target?

Do the cost implications of a filter wheel, filters and a 1600 fit your budget?

If the answer to both those questions is yes then i would go Mono.

I have a 80mm frac also like you.


Edited by Dan13
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Thanks Dan. Yes I've spent countless hours on Astronomy Tools! The 294 was a consideration as well. I have also run them through Bintel's tool to check for over/under sampling. 

After smooth talking my wife and pointing out I'd already got her a Christmas present, I can cover the cost of filters. I'm wary of reigniting the great mono vs OSC debate again. I do like colour for convenience and I imagine I would see better results initially as the learning curve is shallower. I just don't want to get a year down the line and regret not going mono. I know there is a strong argument that, once you're set up, mono doesn't take as long as although you are taking several passes with different filters, you are building up data more quickly, but yes, it would be annoying if you are half way through a sequence and the sky turns to cotton wool.

I do want to stick with ZWO as well because I know their kit and have looked at it a lot, plus, you know, they're red 😀

Ideally I would like 1 camera which can cover the gap of my 550d and take better planetary images than my 120 (although I'm aware with a 510 focal length, planetary is never going to be amazing).

I have an L-pro as well and will be looking at the L-Enhance at the same time I think. I know there is an L-Extreme which looks interesting...


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25 minutes ago, Messy Hair 101 said:

Thanks Dan. Yes I've spent countless hours on Astronomy Tools! The 294 was a consideration as well. I have also run them through Bintel's tool to check for over/under sampling. 

After smooth talking my wife and pointing out I'd already got her a Christmas present, I can cover the cost of filters. I'm wary of reigniting the great mono vs OSC debate again. I do like colour for convenience and I imagine I would see better results initially as the learning curve is shallower. I just don't want to get a year down the line and regret not going mono. I know there is a strong argument that, once you're set up, mono doesn't take as long as although you are taking several passes with different filters, you are building up data more quickly, but yes, it would be annoying if you are half way through a sequence and the sky turns to cotton wool.

I do want to stick with ZWO as well because I know their kit and have looked at it a lot, plus, you know, they're red 😀

Ideally I would like 1 camera which can cover the gap of my 550d and take better planetary images than my 120 (although I'm aware with a 510 focal length, planetary is never going to be amazing).

I have an L-pro as well and will be looking at the L-Enhance at the same time I think. I know there is an L-Extreme which looks interesting...


No Worries,

By the sounds of it you do really want the mono but something is holding you back..

I think if budget allows id go mono if i was you, im getting the feeling thats what you really want. Tbh im hugely impressed with the 294mc pro its a great cam, if i was to order again id probably look passed the square sensor and actually go with the 533 due to the amp glow. I like the fact i have a colour cam but i can also pull out some fantastic HA and 0ii data still with a swap of a filter. think its very versatile.

Id sell the 120 scope and get a 127 mak mate they are "the bees knees" for planetary im over the moon with mine and very cheap to grab hold of, leave you with some extra cash towards some other gear :) 


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I feel like I'm on the psychiatrist's couch a bit but you're right, I do sound like I want mono don't I? Or I at least think I should want mono. It's reassuring to know you are seeing a big improvement with a similar setup to me.

Funnily enough I've looked at Maks and SCTs as well during my long search. I had a 6SE which I let go when I got the ED80 and have always regretted it a bit. I bought it with the mount and accessories for £300 a number of years ago. Astro bargain of the century!

Probably worth considering to truly get some decent planetary shots.

Thanks for your help with this.


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1 hour ago, Messy Hair 101 said:

I feel like I'm on the psychiatrist's couch a bit but you're right, I do sound like I want mono don't I? Or I at least think I should want mono. It's reassuring to know you are seeing a big improvement with a similar setup to me.

Funnily enough I've looked at Maks and SCTs as well during my long search. I had a 6SE which I let go when I got the ED80 and have always regretted it a bit. I bought it with the mount and accessories for £300 a number of years ago. Astro bargain of the century!

Probably worth considering to truly get some decent planetary shots.

Thanks for your help with this.


No problem at all, i often like reading discussions like this because ive been in the same boat many times and like others thoughts. Again you cant go wrong with both so go with what you feel is best. there all good cams.

As for the mak! im blown away, myself and the wife viewed jupiter and saturn last night it was a great experience! 


1 hour ago, Messy Hair 101 said:

It's reassuring to know you are seeing a big improvement with a similar setup to me

this was a single sub taken last night with the L-pro and 294mc pro, excuse the potatoe quality as i took it on my phone from the laptop, the stars arent trailing ither thats just the shakes :)  can see great detail after only 240 secs @-10°c


Edited by Dan13
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6 minutes ago, Messy Hair 101 said:

Yes Jupiter and Saturn nearing opposition did rekindle my interest in planetary. I'll be curious to see if anyone wants to weigh in with some mono experience as well although colour is back on the table (and a mak!)

haha the bottomless money pit of a hobby we share! a few maks around the £200 mark atm with extras.  

maybe pop into the ZWO facebook group if your on there, your get a lot more help with your decision there mate.

good luck with your camera search!

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