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Imaging and Autoguiding at the same time?


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So I bought a ZWO ASI224 camera. I've only had a chance to use it once, but I've already got much better results for much less effort than I did with my DSLR or Camcorder.

I know this camera can be used for autoguiding. All the pictures I've seen show one camera on the finder for guiding and another on the main scope for imaging.

But can it do autoguiding while attached to the main scope and taking images at the same time? I mean, if I just plug it into the autoguider socket on my mount, will it keep the scope on target while filming?

Sorry if this is dumb question.


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No, auto guiding requires two cameras (imager\guider) as the images taken use different exposure lengths, e.g. the imaging camera typically takes approx. 5-10 minute images (CMOS), whereas the guide camera typically takes images every 5-15 seconds....  

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