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Here is another one that I finally was able to come to terms with.  To begin with. I hate the Hubble Palette for M1, but I figured everyone should do it at least once.  I processed and reprocessed this image for months.  Then, after a considerable hiatus, I reprocessed it over the course of 15 minutes and there you go.  Nothing fancy.  It is much better than my previous attempts, though the improvementsv are still subtle.  But if the devil is in the details then so too the angles.

TOA 130, ASI 1600

Ha 111 300sec

OIII 44 300 sec

SII 45 300 sec


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24 minutes ago, mikey2000 said:

Looks good to me! The Crab Nebula is a great object to image - so many different approaches and colour palettes, each giving a different outcome.

Thanks mike.   Next time I’ll do LRGB

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51 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

It's nice. The H palette is intended to emphasize the distribution of the different gasses and that's very obvious here.


Thanks Olly. Poor seeing fog the Ha channel, so not as sharp as I was expecting. Previously I tried to fix it by sharpening, but that does not work

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