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Multi purpose setup advice £2k budget

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I'm trying to plan a multi purpose setup that will take me through the next stage of this hobby. I have a Bresser HD camera which should do what I need on the imaging side.

I know this is all very subjective and not sure how to fully explain what I want to achieve. I'm not after top notch images, but something sharp and clean. So many options and things to think about..

Budget - £2000 max

Moon - detailed and sharp images through eye piece or captured on camera without much if any processing, say 1/4 of moon filling screen or eye piece
Saturn and Jupiter - Through eye piece, show bands and red dot, clear view of Saturn rings. Video / pics suitable for processing to get some sharper images
Stars - sharp views in eye piece, on camera for some nice pics (not wide field)
Deep sky - Video cap and processing to a stage where you could make out what it is, galaxy shape, nebulaish image, star clusters
Ease of use, quick setup, somewhat portable by car

Sky Watcher Startravel 150 OTA (f5)
Sky Watcher HEQ5 Pro with Rowan Upgrade
Sky Watcher  / Celestron PowerTank 7ah
Celestron StarSense for Sky Watcher Mounts

Do you think the above list would get close to what I want?

I know, it's like saying I want a car that goes kind of fast but not to fast, has some seats but not too many, is fuelled by something and in a nice colour ;) 

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You might want to add a TeleVue Powermate for imaging planets and even more distant DSO's. Save that for a future purchase though.

I think your list sounds reasonable for starters, you will however spend more money in the future.

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For than money I would go for:

ED80 + 0.85 FR / flattener



Astro converted DSLR

ASi120 guide camera

EQDir, motorised focuser plus the adapters and cables.

The HEQ5 Pro + ED80 is a popular combination. The mount is a Ford Transit type, not trendy but a known quantity that just does what is needed. The ED80, likewise. Your camera is good for small FoVs but for deep sky will limit your choice of tagets,

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4 hours ago, DaveS said:

The 150mm f/5 Startravel is a simple achromat, and with those specs will have pretty severe CA for imaging. You may get away with a 150mm f/5 Newt.

Thanks, I've now realised its achromat, that's kind of scuppered my plans. More reading and searching :)

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