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Cone Region WIP, but what are the objects?


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When stacking a series of Cone nebula area taken from two different sites, I noticed a couple of objects I cant identify on them. One looks like a meteor, but doesnt appear to be moving, and the other appears to be a large blue round nebula ( I KNOW you're thinking "reflection" but I dont think so). ANybody happen to know what they are?

The small triangle is there every night, you can find it easily in a big ota, these images were taken as a test. I was trying my new TS Off axis guider, so both imaging and guiding were done through the WO72. The spacing was still a little out, which made for blobby stars at the edges, but once I sort that it will make for an extremely portable and capable imaging setup.

So dont look at the image itself, i'll post the proper one when its done, but what are them thingymabobs???




(click to enlarge)

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Somehow I just KNEW you might know Carol. Thanks a lot, I plan to spend some time on the ic2169 as it looks quit interesting!

The next question is obvious, just how do you find out what these things are? :hello2:

So Trumpler 5 is that star cluster? On the full scale image they look awesome, a tight collection of orange stars, almost worthy of an image in their own right.

Also, you can hardly see on this jpg, but right next to the yellow line on IC2169 there is another blob that looks a bit like the variable nebula, any ideas???

Thanks very much Carol


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You're welcome TJ, I use Sky Tools.. it's great. :thumbright:

If you mean that little 'blob' my arrow is pointing to, it's just two stars blending together.. mag 12.6 star GSC 00737-0376 and mag 13.8 star GSC 00737-0912. The brighter one's below; the dimmer one's above.. they almost look like a double star.

Btw I forgot to mention.. Collinder 95 is the open cluster associated with the IC 2169 nebulosity.

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Thanks again Carol. The fuzz I was referring to is obscured by my line really.

If you get a free period, I'd be extremely grateful if you could label all the noteworthy objects in this mosaic. To post this one it is drastically reduced in size and quality, and I havent finished the processing, but I'd love to see the final version anotated!

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That's excellent news Carol, really appreciate it. I am just playing with a new toy (registar) and then i'll pop an uncompressed image onto UKA.

When you say scanning 35mm, do you mean for new, or existing/known DSO's???



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Thanks Rob, Trudie, but this is the unfinished symphony. Might add more pics, but definetly need to do more processing.

The OAG worked a treat on the WO72, loads of stars, as many as 'normal' to choose from at that wide FOV. However I lacked the correct spacers and tools to get the spacing dead on, which is something I have corrected now I think, just need a clear night to test. The beauty of the campsite was that I had a 400m or so open space and could use the trees for getting rough par-focality (is that even a word?), I dont have that luxury at home and need a distant target in the sky to test! Once I have it sorted properly, I'll do a full review of the TS OAG, as I dont think anybody else on the forum has one yet?

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