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Altair GPCAM2 327C Mac compatibility and alternatives?


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I'm toying with the idea of getting one of the Altair GPCAM2 327C cameras after the review in the July Sky At Night magazine as my first foray into dedicated astro camera land.

On the Altair Astro website it doesn't mention Mac compatibility ad I can't remember if S@N mentioned it (can't find my copy).

Does anyone out there know if it is compatible?

The reason I'm toying with this camera is that the review indicated it is a capable camera in both solar system and deep sky imaging. For the first dip of my toe into the astro camera pond, that is what I am looking for. It will aslo need to be OSC as I can't afford a filter wheel and filters for the forseeable future. Are there any other cameras of similar of better capability that I should consider?


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Yes the Altair will work on Mac, you just need capture software that has the INDI driver for it. I use KStars/Ekos and GPCAM3 224C for guiding. Main camera is Starlight Xpress Trius 694M

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