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3D printed Bahtinov Mask for 200P-DS on a small print bed

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Recently I was asked by a friend to print a couple of Bahtinov masks the biggest of which was for a 200P-DS , meaning an O.D. of about 250 mm. Without thinking I said I could do it, there are plenty of generators to make any size mask you require and provide a STL file. But it was only after creating the STL and trying to slice it I realise my bed was not square and at 250 x 210 mm meant I could not print in one section.

Oh Bother ! (or words to that effect) were uttered. 

Thingiverse did provide what looked a great program that meant you could print in 4 sections.


But I printed a half size mock up and the joins were very weak and really was useless. So I set out to design a 2 piece design that hopefully would just clip together and cam up with this:



 After 3 failed prints due to layer shifts, and some adjustments of parameters to reduce the print speed and acceleration have managed to print both halves and whilst not perfect I am pretty pleased with it and it should work fine.

The centre and face where the two halves meets holds together really well and is sturdy. The outside diameter does move a bit although will work fine. A couple of dabs of super glue would hold it really rigidly. My other option if I make another one would be to thicken the outsides so they are a bit stiffer, or maybe print in PLA as this one I printed in PETG.




Sorry for the long drawn out description just thought I would share with anyone interested in 3D printing.


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32 minutes ago, saac said:

Looks good Steve, nice design I like it better than the 4 segment one .  Are you sharing it on thingiverse by any chance?



I will put it on when I get a bit of time to spare if anyone needs the stl its attached .


200 PDS split V2 - Part 1.stl 200 PDS split V2 - Part 2.stl

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