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NGC6960 Western Veil (first attempt)


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I grabbed 2h34 of 120s lights this Thurs 24 June on this.  First time ever for me.  Seeing the delicate nebula patterns appear on the test FIT was thrilling.  Anyway, my usual process butchery.  I definitely need a cooled camera (has been cropped) although tbf my little ASI178MC has really done the business for me on my learning journey so far.  I used a CLS-CCD & UHC filter combined to try and re-create a tri-band effect.  Obv I really should take a CLS-CCD only image of this when the clouds next disappear to see what the difference is!

Anyway stay safe all,




NGC6960 W Veil Nebula_2h34_wip_downsampled.png

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