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Finder scope

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Just connected up a RACI Celestron finder scope  and realised it’s aperture  is stopped down quite considerably. 
Does this affect how bright objects are? 

Are there any finder scopes not stopped down ?

thanks ken 

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I've just got a 10x60 Altair. It's pretty big. I could actually see M13 in it the other night despite not being able to see any of the keystone asterism because of light skies and light pollution. It's big though.

As pointed out, it might be too much in a dark sky setting; showing too many stars and making finding more complicated. In which case I might end up stopping down the aperture!

It is big, btw.



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I have an RACI 9x50 Celestron finder but I don't notice that it is stopped down. It performs very similarly to my Skywatcher and Orion 9x50 RACI's.

There is a light baffle fitted inside the tube just in front of where the diagonal attaches but that looks as if it would allow the full light cone from the objective through.

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1 hour ago, John said:

I have an RACI 9x50 Celestron finder but I don't notice that it is stopped down. It performs very similarly to my Skywatcher and Orion 9x50 RACI's.

There is a light baffle fitted inside the tube just in front of where the diagonal attaches but that looks as if it would allow the full light cone from the objective through.

Maybe it isn’t I’m not sure 🤔 

just looking into the tube it appears there is a baffle or some sort and it’s only maybe 30mm ??? 


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