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Pixinsight Crashing

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I recently built a new PC specifically to speed up PI and am having problems with it crashing in PI - everything else I use it for works perfectly. The system is based on Ryzen 7 3700X, 32GB 3600 RAM, ASUS TUF X570 MB running Windows 10.

I spent the last two days trying to process an image in PI and had the following issues.

SubFrameSelector more often than not wouldn't run giving error:

"run --execute-mode=auto "C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/WeightedBatchPreprocessing/WeightedBatchPreprocessing.js"
Processing script file: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/WeightedBatchPreprocessing/WeightedBatchPreprocessing.js
*** Invalid block position: attachment:24576:97284096 (line=4 offset=208)
*** Error: The XSIF file contains no readable images.
*** Error [222]: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/WeightedBatchPreprocessing/WeightedBatchPreprocessing-engine.js, line 879: TypeError: info is null"

Blink always runs but then crashes in use - usually when I run the top STF button within Blink. I get this message and also various other messages referring to Address errors:

"PCL Win32 System Exception " at address 00007FFBC2AFAA09 with the exception code C0000005 Access violation: Invalid Memory Read Option at address"

Things I have tried:

Reinstall PI - done twice including manually uninstalling the bits the PI Uninstall leaves behind.
CHKDSC - No Errors
SFC /SCANNOW - No Errors
Upgrade GPU Drivers to latest version.
Memory Diagnostics - Basic and Intermediate test No Errors. Advanced test still running - 12 hours so far and only 60% complete.
Storage - 😄 90GB available. 😧 200GB available.
Posted on PI Forums yesterday - no response as yet. Juan did mention he though it was data corruption but that was it - and given its intermittent nature I cant see its a data issue.

The PCL Win32 error has been reported here back in 2015 but no details that I can see for what was causing it.

It's driving me mad now, can anyone suggest a way forwards?

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9 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

Version of JavaScript ??  Post the image & I'll see if I can process it, as it may be the image is at fault ?? 

I dont know anything about JS and haven't specifically downloaded it, I assume it was installed with PI? How do I check version?

The SubFrameSelector crashes before it opens so I haven't actually loaded any data to PI before it crashes. I have loaded several different sets of data to Blink and it crashes with each. I should add that I am trying to reprocess data that I already processed a couple of months ago. 

I suspect the issue is related to the new hardware, my old PC ran PI perfectly and I restored the OS from old PC to new. I did have some issues initially getting drivers installed for the new hardware so maybe its a driver issue - although nothing showing as odd in Device Manager.

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