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Eyepiece advice for f7 102ed

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I’ve a birthday coming up and wonder if I should add to my modest eyepiece collection for my new scope. It would have to be a sub £100 buy from a close relation!

I presently have a 42 mm 2” Revelation, 32mm 1.25” unbranded Plossl, which is very sharp, 12 and 8mmBST Starguiders, 8-24mm Starguider zoom and Revelation Astro 2.5x Barlow. Have I covered all bases or am I missing perhaps an ultra wide or more magnification?

My viewing interests are general, a bit of everything. Am I better off buying a filter or two? I only have a moon and sky pollution filter and don’t use them very much. 

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A 16mm Nirvana would make a nice addition with its 82° field. It's dark sky background and sharp, wide field, would give you great deep sky views. At £69 the Nirvana is a fantastic buy! The 7mm and 4mm are excellent too!

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Good call on the Nirvana's from Mike above.

I can't believe the value that these are currently. When they first came out (William Optics UWAN's back then) they were expensive eyepieces, not quite Tele Vue expensive but getting on that way.

Now they are not much more than BST Starguiders for something which is pretty close to Nagler performance :thumbright:

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Well they don’t seem to be in stock anywhere at the moment. Any other recommendations?

Would a 2” Panaview 26mm be a good buy in a similar area or  7mm Nirvana which would give me 100x or about 250x with my 2.5x Barlow. I expect that would be my maximum magnification on a good night.

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I would go for the Aero ED 30mm over the Panaview 26mm. The 26mm is not the best in the Panaview range, the 32mm is better but the Aero ED 30 is better again. Also a 26mm 2 inch 68 degree eyepiece does not show much more sky than your 32mm plossl does.

Given your other eyepieces are already quite good, I would hold on for the Nirvana's to become available otherwise you might not get any improvement in performance without spending substantially more.


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Thanks for coming to the rescue, John! I’ll be patient and order the 16mm Nirvana. Unless you think the 7mm Nirvana (which is in stock at a couple of dealers) would be a useful addition to my armoury in which case I would order  that And the16mm later. 

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You already have a BST Starguider 8mm which is one of the best of that range and the zoom. I think the 16mm Nirvana would bring something new - it's field of view will be much wider than the zoom.


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