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Pointers for setting up and aligning Scope

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Hi, could someone direct me to a few videos on setting up my Sky-Watcher StarQuest-102R f/4.9 Achromatic Refractor Telescope. 1st time owning one so not sure exactly what needs adjusting and cant find much on the youtube for it. Had a practice and on moving/rotating the telescope & by the time im at 12 (clock face)- straight up) im having to twist and adjust EP,s etc....is that normal? also if an object is low in the sky you cant just tilt it downwards and need to rotate which i guess is correct.



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8 minutes ago, Kev M said:

Does this help



Shows the basic setup as well as more advanced stuff.


thanks for this, i watched it a couple of times but not sure if you have the weight over a tripod leg or in a gap(if that makes sense? )also notice that at one point it shows picking up an object/planet low on the horizon but with the EQ mount it doesn't tilt up down so not sure how thats achieved....unless you spin the scope and rotate the EP


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13 hours ago, JMarkJ said:

thanks for this, i watched it a couple of times but not sure if you have the weight over a tripod leg or in a gap(if that makes sense? )also notice that at one point it shows picking up an object/planet low on the horizon but with the EQ mount it doesn't tilt up down so not sure how thats achieved....unless you spin the scope and rotate the EP

Whether the counterweight is over the tripod leg or over a gap depends on where you have pointed the telescope.  It is only relevant if you are trying to put the outfit in a starting position for polar alignment.  You do not have to polar align in order to see stuff (but if you don't, there was not much point in acquiring an equatorial mount. 🙂)

With two axes of rotation (RA & Dec.) you can point the telescope to anywhere in the sky, though the eyepiece may get into odd positions as you do this.  Note you can usually rotate the scope in the tube rings to get the eyepiece in a more accessible position. 

Newbies are sometimes advised to avoid equatorial mounts on the grounds that these are too confusing for them.🙂  You can probably reset the mount by adjusting the latitude so that the scope goes up/down and side/side, if you would prefer that.

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