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Partly cooked horse


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Had another 'crack' with the Meade series 5000 80mm triplet, and ZS66 combo the other night (both scopes 'piggy backed' on the 12" LX).

Let the H9C run for 100 mins, in 500 sec subs, to capture the IC434 (The Horsehead).

With an OSC camera and an 80mm scope at f/6, the 'Horse' is quite a dim object, and I reckon demands 2 hours+ as a minimum (probably somewhere near half of that for a mono camera).

However, The 80mm triplet continues to impress me, and as you can see, using the Lodestar on the ZS66, the guiding was pretty good too. All 12 subs, were virtually an 'overlay' of each other.

I will give it another go, when the opporunity presents itself, and try for around 2.5 hours, or longer if I can.

I wasn't going to 'post' this image, but then thought it might be a good example of what an 80mm scope/ OSC camera combination really needs in terms of exposure time.

Guiding, capture and processing were with AA4.



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