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Imaging: your ideas as a second setup for galaxies ?

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PS I just edited (3/6) the title and completed the content of this post to make it clearer. Apologies for those that have already read it or answered to it.

Hi everyone,

Following advices on SGL and other forums, I have entered the astrophotography arena a year ago with a small refractor, a WO GT81 (w/ reducer) on a HEQ5. Imaging with an ASI294, ASIAIR & ZWO autofocus, I learned a lot over the last months and I am extremely happy with what I am getting, considering my place is at Bortle 8. Even though I still need to improve in processing.

Now, as the galaxy season unfolds, I realize I would need to complement (replace ?) my great GT81 for them and possibly starting on planetary (optional, not a must). I don't find it easy to decide what should be best. I understand I should go for longer focal length (FOV) and diameter (light, resolution). Is that correct ?

One thing to consider is that I will move in a few months in a Bortle 4 area, if that matters. Maybe I should stick with what I have because things will improve drastically once in the new location ?

Now the options seem many for the still newbie I am:

> a C925 HedgeHD, with reducer, allround versatile scope, possibly with an Hyperstar in the future to replace the GT81 ? Would need a new mount (EQ6-R?) and I would miss the "800-1000mm" focal lengths.  

> a C8 EdgeHD, with reducer. More limited in diameter but I can use it on my HEQ5 (is that ok?). I understand though the obstruction limits its potential. 

> A 254/1000 f/4 Newton of good quality (Lacerta 10"? other?). Cheaper (though some are still expensive), heavier and more cumbersome. Collimation issues. Would need a stronger mount (CEM60?) and would be limited for small targets. But much faster. In term of image scale, it seems to fit with a number of today’s’ cameras better than the other setups.

> a good 127mm/800mm refractor (Explorer Scientific FCD-100?), that I can use on my HEQ5. More limited in diameter but has the crispness/contrast of a refractor.  Would be somehow limited for the smaller targets. 

Probably missing many things. Sure this is more of a personal choice (FOV...) and budget, but I would appreciate your input and preferences on these setups.

I am opened to other suggestions as well.

Sorry for the long post and many thanks in advance.




Edited by phf
Adjust title and complete content for better clarity
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