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EQ6-R Pro or Daystar? Decisions decisions.

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Here's the short version: What would you choose if you can only choose one of them? EQ6 or Daystar?

The little longer version:

By way of persuading my wife to get a second job and leasing my kids to a sweatshop in Cambodia, I've found some cash in the budget that's just begging to be spent on astronomy kit. It's not that I don't have kit at all. It's just that I feel it's time for an upgrade.

My current mount is a Skywatcher EQM-35 Pro which has served me faithfully and competently these past couple of years. I usualy use it in conjunction with my EVOstar 80 refractor with good results. Last year I bought a 180 Maksutov which the mount can juuuust handle. But I am pushing boundries here. I would like to get a good sized newtonian for AP at some point, but find that my current mount limits me weight wise. The EQ6 seems to be able to handle pretty much anything I throw at/on it.

With all the kit I already have, I feel it is wasted half of the year because of the bright summer nights here in Denmark. Yes,  you can still use it for moon gazing when it's out. But DS AP is out of the question in the summertime. So how about looking at the sun? From my 'research' into the matter, the Daystar seems to be a very viable option. The great thing about this option is that it can be used with the telescopes and mount that I already have. But it's pricy. It costs about the same as an EQ6. 

It's a bit of a luxury to have this 'problem', I know. I also know that if you ask three people you'll get three different answers. But I'd just like to bounce this ball of you guys and see if there are pitfalls or advantages to either option that I just haven't considered. Given the chance, what would you choose? And why?

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