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Flocking part 2


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Hi guys and thankyou for the advice regarding flocking my Sct cassagrain telescope!however I decided to go against it after talking sct telescopes a while back who happens to be the Meade Engineer for the uk.in similar terminology as I’m also into hi end Audio and home cinema etc and from what I’ve gathered and I’m no expert in this at all for exsample it’s like going and spending £100 on a interconnect cable then you upgrade for a £200 one and can you hear the difference maybe yes maybe no not until you switch them over then you can decide as for instance one maybe smoother in midrange and the other maybe have tighter deeper base etc and it’s not until you start spending £500 for exsample you might start hearing some more benefits to the sound same really in flocking telescopes as the only way I can imagine you will see any true benefits is if you had two identical scopes side by side and see if you notice the difference I’m not saying I’m right or wrong just what I believe and besides I wouldn’t be happy to dismantle the correcter plate on sct and maybe have a little accident ruined scope

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can understand where you're coming from, the risk of dismantling and damage vs an unknown level of gain without some scientific comparisons to gauge how worthwhile the effort would be.

I know daylight use is very different but I can say the step change in my hensolt wetzlar dialyts after flocking behind the objectives was huge, especially if the sun is close to on-axis (or the moon come to that), but on a scope used for night sky targets which in the main are small and relatively dim, perhaps a much lesser gain :) 

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