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Fullerscopes MKIV tracking or GoTo help?


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4 hours ago, barryporteous said:

What was you eventual solution concerning the wormwheel -  did you have to modify it?

I moved the overlapping tooth area away from the worm.
Probably pointless, but I can never look beyond E-S-W due to trees.


P1240920 rsz 600 worm wheel teeth txt.jpg

Edited by Rusted
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I have been looking back though my blog and corrected the delivery date of the Beacon Hill worm wheels to August 2016.


Once the worms and wheels were actually fitted to the mounting they produced a very loud, "graunching" noise on driven slews. This was due to the extreme roughness of the machined surfaces of both worms and wheels. This was after I had scrubbed the teeth with a fine wire brush and paraffin. I had no plans to embed the obvious grit in the "precision" machined surfaces. The toothbrush had zero impact on the embedded filth in the teeth!  It was completely impossible to run the worms against the worm wheels dry. [Without lubrication] There was far too much friction!

Having been told by Barry Watts not to use anything but oil to "lap them in" I resorted to hours of free running the RA worm against the worm wheel driven by an en electric drill. I tried an assortment of fine abrasives [like Brasso which sprayed everywhere.] All without much improvement in the hideous and loud "graunching" noise of the rubbing surfaces.

Not only were the worms rough but they could be heard to change their racket with every revolution. So the brass worms [NOT stainless steel] were actually eccentric. The worms are glued onto the miserably short, steel shafts. Solvol Autosol is a polishing paste for chrome. It has a fine abrasive quality and stayed in place during the polishing operation. This finally helped after countless hours of "lapping."

I am normally a polite person. At the time I was so ashamed at having been sent these inferior products that I went into full denial mode. I deliberately hid the tooth defects in all my blog images. I did not show the filthy, black teeth on arrival. Nor did I mention my endless mechanical problems on my blog. Which was  a complete disservice if anybody followed my lead and bought worm and wheel sets from Beacon Hill.

And as still recommended by NON GOTO AWR[Tech] UK. The vendor of an expensive and noisy stepper motor Goto, drive system. Which has never found a single object in all the time I have been using it. Not the sun, the moon nor any other object. Not once in ~5.5 years!

Barry Watts of Beacon Hill Telescopes is the master of transparent excuses. No doubt a skill polished over lifetime of failing to supply on time. His [quote] "agricultural" mounts are the stuff of legend. For failing to arrive as promised and being more of a "project in progress" when they finally do get delivered.

He failed to get me to accept 1" shaft holes on smaller wheels after a month of waiting. I had ordered 50mm in 14" and 11". It took another month to source the junk I was sent. No doubt out of his octogenarian machinist's scrap bin. With 60mm bores not the 50mm I had ordered. Which is what he finally sent me.

His failure to clean the filthy worm wheel teeth is ample proof of his completely casual attitude to his paying customers. He had wrapped the circumferences in protective  pipe insulation. Was this just another ploy to hide the hideous filth/truth?

His flowery descriptions of his "products" are the stuff of complete and utter fantasy. These same descriptions clearly break UK consumer laws and have remained unchanged for years on his website.  He maintains this as a sales and advertising website but denies being "online."   

"The finest worm wheel sets available in the UK." Not by a light year!


P1240920 rsz 600 worm wheel teeth txt.jpg

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Thank you for your comments I have asked Barrie to ring you as I believe he has your number I hope this will help. Oh just one other thing - while you are on to him could you let him  let him have the stamped numbers on the wheels. - Thanks

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2 hours ago, barryporteous said:

Thank you for your comments I have asked Barrie to ring you as I believe he has your number I hope this will help. Oh just one other thing - while you are on to him could you let him  let him have the stamped numbers on the wheels. - Thanks

Barry rang me in the middle of dinner to repeat the nonsense he said back then. My dinner was getting cold. So I hung up.

EDIT: I recorded the wheel numbers on my blog. 567 & 568. Making them consecutive.

Edited by Rusted
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