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Resolution: Questions regarding my optimal setup

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Hey Everyone!


Quick question for the techies (moreso than myself)

I have two imaging scopes:

-An 8" RC with 1625mm focal length. My resolution with my asi1600 is .49"/pixel.

-My other imaging scope is a 10" F/3.9 Newtonian. With an ASI183mm, my pixel scale would also be .49"/pixel

These two setups give me the exact same pixel scale but the setup with my F/3.9 Newtonian is quite faster. My question is, theoretically, will these two setups provide the same amount of resolution and detail?

My RC brings a lot of detail to the table, but if I could purchase the asi183 and use it with my Newtonian and get the same amount of detail in a fraction of the time, that would be optimal. I use my asi1600 with both my RC and Newt and there is a noticeable difference in resolution given the 600mm Fl difference as there should be. I want to achieve the same amount of detail that my RC gives me but with my faster Newtonian.


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45 minutes ago, michael8554 said:

What's the typical "Seeing" like where you are ?

In the UK anything below about 1arcsec/pixel is considered Oversampling.


I’m oversampled yes but I am getting better results imaging at .49” than I am with my newt and asi1600 at .79”

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