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Help needed - EOS1000D Live view changes centre when zoomed


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I have a problem.

Every time until tonight, I do this: centre the Liveview from my Canon EOS1000D in my software (Astrophotography Tool, APT), also centre the object in the zoom square in APT, then zoom in to 5x, then focus with my Bahtinov mask (usually aided by the APT Bahtinov tool). Works every time,.

However, tonight, this happened: get star centred, zoom 5x in Liveview - and the star disappears!

After much headscratching, I decided to use something a bit bigger that might give me a clue - the moon. Got it centred nicely in Liveview, zoomed 5x in APT - and it disappeared!

Slewed around a bit, found it, got it centred in zoom, and zoomed back out to see what was going on. The moon was now to the left and up.

So the problem is: centre in the Liveview without zoom, is quite radically different from centre with zoom.

I've been through all the camera settings, all the software settings, and cannot figure out why this is happening.

When I look at the zoomed Liveview, I can see that it almost looks like the zoomed view is portrait because there are black stripes either side of the image, whereas the Liveview without zoom is landscape. I want it to be landscape, which is why I've turned off auto rotate.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I've reset the camera's settings, but now the clouds have rolled in and I don't have an opportunity to do more tests. But, if anyone can suggest anything between now and when the clouds roll out again, I'd appreciate it. It's really weird. I always thought zoom was a software zoom, but the same seems to happen in EOS Camera Movie Record, so I think it's something to do with the camera.


Edited by BrendanC
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I have occasionally encountered this - my work flow is very similar - unfortunately I've no idea why it happens but unzooming and recentering (if necessary) and then rezooming usually fixes it.  I've also noticed (and this may be relevant) that APT sometimes and for no apparent reason flips the image left/right.  Again, no idea why but it only started recently, so may be a 'feature' of one of the latest updates?

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Interesting. Thanks for this. I did experiment with the zoom and image preview settings. I also recently upgraded APT. I'll see how I get on next time. It's a puzzler! Thanks for the suggestion, really appreciate it. 

Edited by BrendanC
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