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Sketching Advice

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I'm very new to this and won't be attempting this anytime soon until i'm more experienced with finding and tracking objects, though I thought sketching looked quite fun and a nice way of imaging and keeping track of what you've seen and what they looked like without using astrophotography. 

So anyway I was just wondering if anyone had any advice of experience with sketching, and could provide any tips for future when I do eventually attempt it.

Besides this some questions I do have regarding the subject:

How difficult is sketching with different types of mounts? (dob and EQ)

How hard is it to get into, and what sort of equipment would you need to help you start?

How much of an influence do higher and lower bortle classes of skies have when you're sketching?


If anyone has any sketches it'd be really cool to see them too


Thanks for any responses!

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You can start sketching with very little equipment.  I have even done a few naked eye sketches using black card, a gel ink white pen and a white pencil...You can have a go with binoculars, handheld or tripod mounted.. as far as telescopes go, some may say a scope with a tracking mount could make it easier but you won't find it difficult nudging the scope over to keep you target in view.... Loads of different ways to approach this, take a look at the sketching thread...


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