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eyepiece advice

Rogue Leader

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Ladies and Gents,

I could do with some eyepiece advice, I have been using the standard 10 and 25 mm skywatcher eyepices that came with my dob but I would like to upgrade.

I have seen these celestron zoom eyepieces on ebay


Now should I go for that or take the plunge and get something like the Revelation set from FLO


Thanks in advance


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Celestron is a reliable brand, and so for that matter is Skywatcher. You may want to consider getting a 2x Barlow and a 32mm Plossl. That would give you a range of eps from 5 to 32. If you can afford to, get a better quality Barlow and a wide angle ep, but if that's beyond your budget for now, the inexpensive Barlows by Celestron, Revelation, etc. all perform acceptably.

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I've got one of those and tbh, all I use it for is going through the GOTO alignment process. Saying that though, I can see the attraction of using one on a dob in that you wouldn't need to change eyepieces, just zoom in and out as necessary.

Not that I've used one but perhaps the Baader Hyperion zoom might be a better (although more expensive!) choice? I'm thinking a wider field plus apparently it's virtually parfocal would be two good reasons to at least have a look.


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