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Bought a camera - What telescope now? [Budget included]

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Hi guys, I posted this in the wrong thread and I'm not too sure how to delete it so I'm moving it here.

I've just ordered a Canon 600D to start doing some astrophotography and it arrives tomorrow - I'm stoked. I've been wanting to get into astrophotography for a while now and I'm so happy to finally be pulling the trigger.

The last item on my shopping list is a solid beginner telescope which would couple well with my Canon 600D. The research I've done is all pointing towards a newtonian reflector, but again, I'm a super newb here.

My primary goal here is to take some pictures of stars and planets with the Canon 600D attached to the telescope. I've been looking at the Sky-Watcher 114/900 as it's relatively cheap, which I think is great for someone just starting off - but was wondering what your opinions were seeing as you've all been through this before. Do you have any other recommendations? I'd like to keep my budget up to £300, and that's stretching it really.

Thanks for taking the time to help!

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