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What is this trail


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I took this last night as I was fooling around trying to take a picture of M81. Suddenly one of the exposures showed this trail. I assume it is either a satellite or a plane. The original was rather dark so I stretched it a bit. In the original the trail showed regular pulses which don't show up so well in the stretched version. The exposure was 30 seconds.



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Thanks Peter, I've always assumed that if see a light moving steadily across the sky at night then it must be a satellite. I often see planes but usually you can see more than one light and usually a red light. But last night almost anytime I looked up I could see somewhere in the sky what appeared to be a satellite. So then I thought that perhaps they were high flying aircraft. The last two nights when I've been taking pictures I've taken one with a trail.

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5 hours ago, woodblock said:

Thanks Peter, I've always assumed that if see a light moving steadily across the sky at night then it must be a satellite. I often see planes but usually you can see more than one light and usually a red light. But last night almost anytime I looked up I could see somewhere in the sky what appeared to be a satellite. So then I thought that perhaps they were high flying aircraft. The last two nights when I've been taking pictures I've taken one with a trail.

There have been a lot of new satellites recently put up by competing concerns trying to bring internet access to the entire world.  Also, there's a lot fewer planes flying right now, so that probability has significantly dropped.

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