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Give peace a chance 21/4/20


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I wasn't going to write about the Virgo/ Coma Berenices galaxies this year but I had such a good experience last night. Firstly, Vindemiatrix was behind a wall so I had to scan around looking for a galaxy to get my bearings. I saw something that looked a bit like M 91 and blow me down, it was M91. It's my least found, most missed of all the Messiers in the area and I was amazed to catch it and then recognize it. From there I made my way down to M60- a good place to start. 

After getting advice yesterday, I used first my 25mm and quickly I swapped it for 20mm giving me 45x magnification. It was a revelation (not the make). I thought there was no point upping the mag for galaxies as detail in my scope is mostly beyond its/my capabilities but I hadn't reckoned with the improvement in exit pupil and contrast. I was blown away. The field of view was smaller but the galaxies were bigger and although I got a little lost up near the top, I had magnificent (though faint) views including 5 around Markarian's chain. The day before the Eyes hadn't been shining but this time they were clear. I also tried for the Siamese Twins (thanks John), which revealed themselves as a sort of blind spot. Maybe like an out of focus bit of darkness or a pixelated bit of dark sky.

After all (not sure of M 98) of the Messiers and more in that wonderful stretch of sky, I turned to Leo, where the Hamburger stared right back at me . I even found Kappa Leonis, the 4 brightest galaxies down there and even NGC 3377 (the one right by the star) directly too.

This time last year I travelled to a darker spot to see the Virgo galaxies and, driving back, I found I still couldn't get any peace in my head. It was probably my last big session until August and I felt  the uncomfortable realization that stargazing couldn't settle me down as it had previously. Last night, however, I was elated and chilled in equal measure. Here's hoping for more calm days ahead.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for the tips yesterday.


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@jetstream  Hmm I'm not really sure. I always thought it was a starguider until it was pointed out to me that they don't make starguiders at 20mm 🙂. It's from Skysthelimit, who sold starguiders before flo started. It's 58 degrees and sharp as a tack. I must admit I'm still amazed and happy about the views it gave me last night and that I had an improvement under my nose and it didn't occur to me. Thanks for the tip- you called it.

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1 hour ago, domstar said:

@jetstream  Hmm I'm not really sure. I always thought it was a starguider until it was pointed out to me that they don't make starguiders at 20mm 🙂. It's from Skysthelimit, who sold starguiders before flo started. It's 58 degrees and sharp as a tack. I must admit I'm still amazed and happy about the views it gave me last night and that I had an improvement under my nose and it didn't occur to me. Thanks for the tip- you called it.

I have a 20mm SW LET that offers vg views and also a 25mm Super Plossl same views. The main thing is to try different things to see what works and from doing this patterns will emerge. In your case even high mag could provide benefit, something around 12mm-16mm might provide even more contrasted views on galaxies. The SW 100mm f9 ED scopes are excellent, great light throughput. I use cheap but VG Circle T orthos that knock right at the Delos door...

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4 hours ago, domstar said:

I found I still couldn't get any peace in my head.

This is a genuine problem for me on week nights if a session has gone particularly well- I have the discipline to stop observing (most times) but sleeping afterwards is another matter entirely 😳!

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