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Some Galaxies, Some Satellites, Much Light Trespass


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9.05pm Sunday - still, mild, clear - 10" Dob into action.

Just getting my bearings when I - like many others on SGL - was struck by the sequence of Starlink satellites - bright, well spaced, beneath Leo, moving fairly rapidly to the east.  They just kept coming.  At 9.45 I spotted one (same brightness and speed) going west and rising.  

Below all that directly to my south is another intrusion in the form of light trespass from a permanent security light of inordinate intensity, so much so that the trees close by to my west were noticeably lit up.  I planned to try for a few Leo galaxies, but was pretty much disheartened by then, and not expecting much success.  Anyway........

I targeted Chertan, then hopped to 73 Leo which was in the same FOV as ellipticals M65 and 66 - two of the Leo Triplet.  The Dob did  me proud and revealed two patches of fuzz at x42.  At x64, they were clearer, exhibiting some elongation, and well framed in the 1.57deg field of the Myriad EP.  Of the third member of the triplet NGC 3628 there was no sign.

Then, between Chertan and Regulus, I picked up 52 Leo, with another elliptical NGC 3377 in the same FOV.  This 10th mag galaxy was another small pale patch, again clearer at x64.  I was pleased with this in particular since it is a new one for me.  Stellarium has a fainter companion galaxy nearby with the same designation, which I think should correctly be labelled NGC 3377A.

South of the above and in the same FOV (using x42) were yet more ellipticals M105 and NGC 3384, standing out more with seemingly brighter cores.  These were much clearer at x64, and brighter still at x85.  Of the fainter, nearby NGC 3389 there was - not surprisingly - no sign.  

Finally, I aimed for and soon got the beautiful Perseus Double Cluster, which never fails to delight.

This was an unusual and slightly frustrating two hours, from which I nevertheless pulled a fair amount of success and satisfaction.


Edited by cloudsweeper
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Same here , just got going and the satellite train came over. Some were clearly lagging and one was accompanied by a speck , perhaps a bit fell off.

Then tried some smudges of galaxies.

New set of security lights nearby , fully illuminate tall Lombardy stupid poplars. Don't know why folk are obsessed with killing darkness,

stay safe , Nick.

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4 hours ago, cotterless45 said:

Same here , just got going and the satellite train came over. Some were clearly lagging and one was accompanied by a speck , perhaps a bit fell off.

Then tried some smudges of galaxies.

New set of security lights nearby , fully illuminate tall Lombardy stupid poplars. Don't know why folk are obsessed with killing darkness,

stay safe , Nick.

Smudges indeed, with all the sources of light trespass and pollution.

The council recommended me to write to the offending party (a sheltered block), so I did - but they haven't got a letterbox, and you can't get in.  Security measures, fair enough, so I'll get the letter in the post.  Fingers crossed.....


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