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Thi data was collected over 4-5 nights....over the last 2 months.  This is Ha and RGB data--no luminance collected yet.  I did integrate the RGB into a synthetic luminance, but not sure it helped much.  I was expecting a bit more from the data.  Seeing was atypically good--each stack has a FWHM between 2 and 2.5 (green being 1.9!)  And I have over 4 hours of each RGB chanel--yet I sruggled with a very weak palette and a general fogginess throughout.  I had to use every trick in my book, and then some, to eek out the color and definition seen here. (I have come to realize that saturation bootsts are rarely needed--especially large ones..... except in this case!). The reason for the post is to inquire about a proper luminance--should I spend the 10 hours or so on a luminance, or call it quits on this target and live to fight another day.  I know a proper luminance will bring out the fainte extensions--but all the faint extensions in the galaxy won't mean much if the rest of the image is not "right".  So--not sue about this one.  Is it worth spending the time on a liminance?  I would be much obliged for any feed back at all.

TOA 130 with ASI 1600 Red: 58 300sec; Green: 60 300 sec; Blue: 55 300 sec; Ha: 87 300 sec--so nearly 23 hours already.  




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On my other computer the above looks very dark--I made some adjustments.  I am still questioning all of it.  Will luminance really make a big difference?




Edited by Rodd
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