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Star Trails

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Hi Fellow stargazers.

Tonight, i wanted to try a shot a star trails, which is something i have never attempted. I am after advice. I live in a Bortle 5 area. I have done some reading up on the subject, and i will be shooting around 30s images, with a couple of second pause between each images. I will be using my Canon 100D @ISO 800. 

Would you recommend i use my Astronomik LP clip filter as my exposures will be limited ot 30s ?

What would be the best lens for me to use from the following;

Tokina 11-16mm f2.8

Canon 40mm f2.8 prime lens 

or my 18-55mm kit lens

Guidance much appreciated.



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The pancake lens 40mm which I assume is what you listed works well, though my one needs stopping to f4 otherwise stars a little bloated.

As you are going for star trails then the edge of frame star definition is less crucial so you try you Tokina too.

30s is fine I am bortle 5 and would use 30s.


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